Thursday, October 09, 2008

if the cap fits,

let him wear it


Did I hear someone say;

- The TSX closed at 9600 - down 4.5% on the day? That is just a measly 1/3 from the peak. Oil down, and the dollar down.

Batten the hatches, this is just the leading edge of the storm. The market was as over-valued when flirting with 15,000 as the RE prices were last May, so it is no big surprise. I feel that if things hadn't been messed with so much by scoundrels and fools, the TSX is about where it should have been. But it will see 6,000 or less before it turns back. (It might not ever do that.)

- Harper say to Peter Mansbridge that there are good buying opportunities in the stock market? For who? His mother? Does he not read newspapers? Have advisors? If he does read a paper, it must be The Stars and Stripes. His advisors must want to see him fail. Who calls an election without having a platform?

Harper is completely out to lunch, and it seems to be showing in the public sentiment. What foolishness will he utter next? Let them eat corn flakes!? His narcissistic nature leads him to believe in the Noble Lie, and that he is smarter than everyone else. He is clever, but that ain't smarts. Duceppe pinned him down in the debates. So did May. Layton openly laughed at him. Dion made him look like a chump.

When Mansbridge interviewed Harper, he swallowed hard a few times when Mansbridge threw the truths at him. Harper forced this election because he knew that the sheet-storm was coming, but it caught up to him, and he has blown it. $300 Million so that he could have an even smaller minority than he had, and my bones are starting to say that he might not even get that (so are some other commentators, I believe). There are around 20% of voters undecided the last I read, and I doubt they will go Cons. A coalition of the left is starting to look like a strong possibility.

- That 230 Canadian economists, teaching at Canadian universities, say that a carbon tax is what is needed at this time - even without the tax cuts? The Greens' plan would be even better, in that case.

What a sham. Harper looks the complete fool in this one. Cold, hard irony. Whap!


Anonymous said...

what the carbon tax is not needed. For what? stop drinking the cool aid. Global warming is a doomsday cult. We have serious economic issues and your worried about the amount of CO2 and implemetning a tax that will do nothing to stop how much CO2 is going in the air.

Sorry I liked your site for the real estate commentary but I cannot agree with you on these issues. Not a fan of the conservatives. I am still voting for them. But that aside I cannot believe you think carbon taxes are good. They are a tax on human life.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ted. Don´t be so hard. Sure carbon taxes are right now a low priority topic, but in the end, with all the CO2 going into the atmosphere, they might be the thing that gets the economy up. Just think about it. Economy fuelled by its own waste. Non the less. Mr. Harper chose a very bad platform based on uninformed, blind stupidity. He didn´t realize that the voters are indeed informed. But still. The RE market is balanced and in these times it is a good sign.
over and out.

mk-kids said...

Did you see the cover of the latest Straight?!! "Get Harper Out" I think it said. Yowzer! Will pick it up at lunch and take a gander at that article!

solipsist said...

We have serious economic issues and your worried about the amount of CO2 (sic, sic, sic)

ted - you really are becoming tiresome with your assumptions. Show me (and everyone) where and when I have expressed concern about CO2.

Do you not understand how shifting revenues taxation from income to pollutants can have a positive impact on the economy, while lessening the detriments of pollution? Have you not considered that the smog days in Southern Ontario, when people with compromised respiratory functions are warned to stay inside, has an impact on productivity? Can you not understand that the detriments to health - caused by pollution - cost us money in health care, plus productivity?

CO2 displaces oxygen in the blood stream, and impairs brain function. I realise that this may be affecting you, and thus you can only regurgitate what sounded (to you) like clever slogans - such as "kool-aid", "doomsday cults", etc.

Do I give a serious fig about CO2 and global warming? Not really. A carbon tax is not going to do much about that - especially on other planets in our solar system that are also experiencing warming due to solar cycles, solar maxima, etc. I do, however, believe that a properly implemented carbon tax can provide economic stimulus, and so do 230 economists teaching at Canadian universities. That is ECONOMISTS, not climatologists.

"A tax on human life?" Are things that desperate in the Death Star?

Go ahead and vote for the Conservatives. 69% of Canadians will not.

solipsist said...

mk-kids - here is the link to the Georgia Straight article. Thanks for the tip. I'm in the middle of reading it now, but he wee solipsist will probably wake up before I can finish.

ted - try reading the article for a more reasonable expansion on my cutting retort above.

Anonymous said...

"ted - you really are becoming tiresome with your assumptions. Show me (and everyone) where and when I have expressed concern about CO2. "

So you support the carbon tax not because it is a carbon tax but a consumption tax. Well if you called it a consumption tax and not a carbon tax I would have not made that assumption. I don't agree with anything else you say but just clearing things up.

" you can only regurgitate what sounded (to you) like clever slogans - such as "kool-aid", "doomsday cults", etc."

Its funny I have heard these slogans used on this site by real estate bears more than anywhere else. So I guess these slogans only bother you when not used in agreement.

Jill I like you comment on "an Ecnonomy fuelled by its own waste" sort of reminds me of people claiming real estate won't go down as our consumption will keep the economy growing.


Anonymous said...

increasing the cost of emitting CO2 should only encourage the exploration and expansion of alternative energies. From a world economy POV, I would think it's very advantageous to be on the leading edge of something like this. Provided it's properly managed, I'm backing the introduction of a carbon tax. Short term pain for long term gain; what ever happened to this principal? People need to figure out that it's not about what your gov't/country owes you, it's the other way around. What a sad sad society we have become. Learn to make some personal sacrifices to better the situation of the herd. This self-preserving, self-centered BS is getting old.

Scullboy said...

Personally I'm all for a carbon tax.

Let's face it, one of the ways we as a society can alter individual citizens' behaviour is through judicious implementation of both positive and negative financial stimuli.

Want people to start exercising more regularly? Make it cheap by either not charging taxes or offering rebates on sporting equipment, while taxing equipment that causes sedentary behavior like video game consoles.

Want to encourage polluters (both individual and collective) to knock it off? Charge them for the pollution they create. They will either substitute non polluting behaviour for polluting, or find ways to eliminate polluting behaviour entirely.

It certainly forces you to think in new ways, but there's nothing wrong with that.

I'm al for a carbon tax, because 10 years in Toronto gave me a very severe asthma problem. I had to change my own behaviour by moving out here to Vancouver. There were days back in TO where I could barely get up the stairs. I'd be floating on the water at 5AM rowing practice, staring at freeway that were already backed up and air that was BROWN.

It made me realize individuals are by their nature selfish and self interested. We need our governments to counterbalance our individual selfishness by acting for the collective good.

solipsist said...

Well put scullboy.