Ew! Maybe that is not the sky falling.
The chickens are coming home to roost. No point in regurgitating the news. The sky is falling.
Here is the Glum and Moan on the continuing blood-letting down south.
As Fed meets, housing hits 'grim milestone'Oh, oh. Aren'tcha glad that Vancouver has a safety bubble around it? The main page of the Report on Business is juicy, but I'm sure you've seen it
Inventory of unsold new homes in the U.S. continues to rise
From Wednesday's Globe and Mail
WASHINGTON — — Ben Bernanke and his U.S. Federal Reserve Board colleagues face a stark reality...today: The housing slump is still getting worse.
House price declines are accelerating, more homeowners are falling behind on their mortgage payments and foreclosures are going through the roof, according to fresh data from the front line of the U.S. economic slowdown.
Just a few, strange thoughts that have been nagging me deep in my spooky parts;
Herr Harper is down in DC blowing Bush, er, I mean, telling him how it's going to be in Afghanistan, or, er, something like "can we borrow some nukes? cuz I wanna push the button". But anyhow, how about this for an external event to shake the market - Vancouver is on the map now! We are world class, and dammit, we are famous, and special, and the best place to eat sushi (or something like that). Jihadi says, "Hmm, ain't they gonna have the Olympics? We should pull something off there, that will get some attention. It is a port city, and the Mounted buffoons have so little money for security." (Exactly $175 million for Olympic security. The torch relay has a budget of $31 million...)
And did you hear about the haz-mat/bomb/major crime scene at UBC today? At the Biological Sciences building. Oh cool.
Barak Obama wins the presidency, but is assassinated before he can lay his head down in DC. They don't call it the Whitey House for nothing. Race riots ensue that make the 60's look like a tea party. Refugees flood across our border, and Homeland Insecurity follows them - a defacto invasion. They set up bases here, and all land is seized under the Hullabaloo Act.
OK, so I'm rambling, but you read it here first!
A couple of random quotes for the day;
It is a great thing to know that all one needs is an openDone!
mind and a logical way of thinking to view events with a
proper prism. You do not need to be an "authority".
For instance. If you hear absurdities, you need to call
them absurdities. (JA)
We deny because our arrogance blinds us to the lessons of history.
We deny because we choose to believe that we are too wise to be so foolish. (Randall Fitzgerald)