This one is nice. A little awkward, what with the fake rock and incongruous colour scheme, but someone likes it. Not me though. I'm glad that I don't live anywhere with that in my view.
To complement the Creamsicle Cookie Cutter Castle aspect, there is not a shred of vegetation on the lot. The yard is "lawned" with rocks. That's pretty zen man. I guess you don't want to be giving up navel gazing for yard maintenance. Get a shrub or something.
To each his own, but what are these guys thinking? Perhaps they are visually compromised, and need a bright paint job in order to distinguish their house from all the colonic clones nearby. Maybe they have a lot of parties (yeah, just turn left at the mustard coloured place, drive 'til you see the Emptyville horror, take another left at the Manure Mansion and keep going. You can't miss it, it's the only bright orange house on the block)
Coming soon - the Blood Red Bastille.
I believe it's the tactic used by the flipper to attract the buyer and then they will say that they will redo the paint job for free.
WOW! that looks trippy!
"Don't hold your farts in, they travel up your spine, into your brain and that's where sh*tty ideas come from."
for the greater good of human kind I feel that the neighbors should have their say in what a neighboring house should look like... to avoid these kinds of accidents.
Thanks very much Sol,
Now, to rid myself of that image, I have to gouge my eyes with a rusty nail. At least the colours will match that abomination.
Sweet jeezus, why do some people find it so offensive to have a yard...you know where kids can play in the grass and you can grow a garden among the trees?
Oh, never mind. That was a goofy idea. WTF was I thinking?
"WOW! that looks trippy!"
Yes, I think that either the Acid Queen lives there, or some really, really straight people who have never done drugs, but were dropped on their heads repeatedly as babies.
"for the greater good of human kind"...
I couldn't agree more. They have height restrictions so as to not ruin views or sight-lines, but what about hideous eyesores?
"Oh, never mind. That was a goofy idea. WTF was I thinking?"
Best stick to reality exvan.
Rather than gouge yer eyes out though, we could form a posse to paint over putrid colours. And a group of guerrilla gardeners to take care of the lack of gree space.
green space, that is
You know why this happens? Because the people at the top of the ponzi scheme want it to happen. Do you think those people are going to own a house in that neighbourhood? Not on your life!
They'll take their loot and move to some lush, heritage-rich destination and leave the rest of us here to fight over the denuded scraps of dirt and moldy drywall in our "natural paradise". Our fragmented cultural fabric is great cover for the whole operation.
They didn't add any spots to it.. That would stand out even in my neck of the woods.. Just awful....
Based on my observations, if you choose to live in Vancouver or Burnaby, better get used to looking at these modern day Vancouver Specials.
"for the greater good of human kind I feel that the neighbors should have their say in what a neighboring house should look like... to avoid these kinds of accidents."
This is not an accident. This says, SATV lives here.
And AAron Gump would like some day live ther also.
They'll take their loot and move to some lush, heritage-rich destination and leave the rest of us here to fight over the denuded scraps of dirt and moldy drywall in our "natural paradise". Our fragmented cultural fabric is great cover for the whole operation.
You're getting awfully close to parapolitical thinking and it's too scary for most people to go there.
The comfort-zone consists of RE related bean counting: interest rates, mortgage renewal gaps, supply and demand vs speculative demand, supply overhang, etc., etc.
When one starts to look at the big picture, it's a tad disturbing. It's easier to go back to shooting marbles.
But I agree with what you are saying.
exvan said:
When one starts to look at the big picture, it's a tad disturbing. It's easier to go back to shooting marbles.
It's a real thread killer too apparently.
Sorry I got all political everyone! My plasma screen wasn't working, the shopping mall was closed, and we missed our delivery of the Vancouver Sun. I guess I just wasn't thinking straight.
When I finally did get the Vancouver Sun, I was shocked to learn that the real threat to Canadian society is those masked thugs protesting against globalization out in Halifax.
Oh god.
East-Vancouver special.
"Sorry I got all political everyone!"
Political is welcome - non-partisan por favor.
"The comfort-zone consists of RE related bean counting: interest rates, mortgage renewal gaps, supply and demand vs speculative demand, supply overhang, etc., etc."
There is no comfort zone at this blog - just discomfort. All action is welcome - except for racism, misogyny, misandry, miscreance, misdiagnosis, or Miss Piggy jokes.
I finally got el bubb. It took me long enough!
We had some friends visiting us from Calgary last month and they had to take a picture of the Mandarin House so they could show their friends. You have to get a picture of the baby blue house and the mint green older mid 90s Van Special on Rupert between 18th & 19th and then put a catalogue together of the beautiful colour schemes you can choose from to distingush one east van special from the next. Just kidding, as if you have the time with a baby :)
I'm sure they just want to be able to spot their home from google earth.
Gianni33 said...
"I'm sure they just want to be able to spot their home from google earth."
I'm going to Google Earth it right now!
The Google pic' is not up to date.
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